I’ve been using various cloud storage for years. For a long time, I had 3 running because they each offered free storage and I did not see the point of paying a monthly fee. I ran Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive at the same time. I stopped using Dropbox when I got my new computer. Now that I have a Microsoft 365 account, it comes with a huge 1TB cloud storage with OneDrive. I’ve been slowly moving stuff out of my Google Drive.

The latest upgrade to Google Drive removed the simple folder structure/format and replaced it with a Virtual Mounted drive (G:)… Wait… what? That is ridiculous! I never asked for this and certainly do not want software messing with my computer organization. My OCD does not like it one bit! I looked into reversing this, but Google dug real deep and made the changes very hard to undo. There are ways apparently which require a lot of time and effort that most people will not even consider. I considered it but it’s easier to say goodbye. So… goodbye Google Drive, you have extended your welcome. I will be uninstalling you. I will still use Gmail, for now, so thanks for that. There is an early article about it here.

What do you think? Do you like this new “feature” or prefer the old way?